Mad Scientist cards

Decorative TrinketSpecialSkill0Gain 1 (2) Artifact. Exhaust.
Explosive TrinketSpecialSkill0Apply a Bomb that deals 10 (15) damage in 3 turns. Exhaust.
Flammable TrinketSpecialSkill0Gain 1 (2) Fuel. Exhaust.
Foam TrinketSpecialSkill0Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. Exhaust.
Folded TrinketSpecialSkill0Draw 2 (3) cards, discard (all but) one of them. Exhaust (.)
Fused TrinketSpecialAttack0Gain[E]. Gain 1 Fuel. Gain 3 (5) Block. Draw 1 card. Deal 4 (6) damage. Exhaust.
Recycled TrinketSpecialSkill0Return the top (a) card from your discard pile to your hand. Exhaust.
Shiny TrinketSpecialSkill0Gain [E] ([E]). Exhaust.
Spiky TrinketSpecialSkill0Gain 1 (2) Strength. Exhaust.
Tasty TrinketSpecialSkill0Heal 3 (5) HP. Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Hide Behind JunkBasicSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. Choose and shuffle a (Shuffle up to !M!) Trinket(s) into your draw pile.
Powered StrikeBasicAttack1Spend 1 Fuel. Deal 10 (15) damage. If you have no Fuel, gain 1 Fuel instead.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Acid SprayCommonAttack1Choose: Deal 10 (13) damage to a random enemy; or deal 7 (10) damage to ALL enemies.
Antimatter BombCommonSkill1Apply a Bomb that deals 15 (20) damage in 3 turns.
Auto-StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. When drawn, deal 3 (5) damage to ALL enemies.
DetonateCommonAttack1Deal 8 damage. Detonate (Deal damage equal to the) enemy's Bombs.
Energy BarrierCommonSkill1Gain 2 Block. Gain 2 (3) additional Block for each Fuel you have.
Flame CannonCommonAttack1Spend 1 Fuel. Deal 11 (14) damage to ALL enemies.
Flexible SpearCommonAttack1Choose: Deal 6 (9) damage, apply 1 (2) Weak; or deal 6 (9) damage, apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Fragmentation GrenadeCommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage twice. Shuffle 2 random (upgraded) Trinkets into your draw pile.
Fume BlastCommonAttack4Deal 8 (10) damage twice. Costs 1 less for each Fuel spent this combat.
LightOnFireCommonAttack2Deal 12 (15) damage. This (and next) turn, whenever you spend Fuel deal 10 damage.
Now or NeverCommonSkill1Choose: Gain 7 (10) Block; or gain 11 (14) Block next turn.
Oil DrumCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Gain 1 Fuel.
Prosthetic ClawCommonAttack1Spend 1 Fuel. Deal 12 (16) damage. Draw a card.
Radioactive SwordCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Gain 1 Fuel.
RefuelCommonSkill1Gain 2 (3) Fuel. Can be upgraded any number of times.
Shrink RayCommonSkill1Enemy loses 4 (6) Strength, it regains 1 Strength per turn. Exhaust.
SprocketCommonSkill0Gain 1 (2) Artifact. Exhaust. Can be upgraded any number of times.
StrafeCommonAttack1Spend 1 Fuel. Deal 8 (11) damage. Gain 8 (11) Block.
Assembly LineUncommonPower1 (0)At the start of your turn choose and shuffle a Trinket into your draw pile.
Bandage BotUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you take attack damage, shuffle a Tasty Trinket into your draw pile.
BayonetUncommonAttack1Choose: Deal 8 (10) damage; or spend 2 Fuel to deal 8 (10) damage 3 times.
BombardmentUncommonSkill2Apply a Bomb to ALL enemies that deals 15 (20) damage in 3 turns, and again in 6 turns. Exhaust.
Box of ScrapsUncommonSkill1Draw 2 cards. Shuffle up to 2 (3) Trinkets into your draw pile.
BrowseUncommonSkill0Spend 1 Fuel. Draw 3 (4) cards. Can be upgraded any number of times.
Capture MomentumUncommonSkill1This turn, whenever an attack would deal damage, instead apply a Bomb that deals double (triple) that damage in 3 turns.
Explore OptionsUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. When drawn gain 3 (5) Block.
Extract OilUncommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. This turn, when you play an Attack, gain 1 Fuel.
Flame ThrowerUncommonAttack1Spend all Fuel. Deal 7 (10) damage for each Fuel spent.
Flammable WallUncommonSkill2Choose: Spend 1 Fuel to gain 16 (19) Block; or gain 2 (3) Fuel.
Imposing ConstructUncommonSkill2Gain 12 (15) Block. When drawn apply 1 Weak to all enemies.
InflateUncommonSkill1Gain 15 (18) Block. Lose 1 Dexterity.
Junk LaserUncommonAttack2Deal 14 damage. Deals an additional 3 (4) damage for ALL of your 0 cost cards.
LightbulbUncommonSkill0Spend 1 Fuel. Gain [E] [E] ([E]).
Make or BreakUncommonAttack2Deal 8 (10) damage twice. Choose: Draw 2 cards; or draw 2 cards next turn.
Minature WeaponsUncommonPower1Choose: Whenever you play a Trinket, deal 3 (5) damage to ALL enemies; or whenever you play a Trinket, gain 3 (5) Block.
Mind Control BeamUncommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) Weak. Enemy changes their intent.
Omni-HammerUncommonAttackXChoose: Deal 7 (9) damage to a random enemy X times; or gain 6 (8) Block X times.
Particle BeamUncommonAttack3Deal 12 (16) damage. When drawn, reduce this card's cost by 1 for this combat.
Plasma RifleUncommonAttack1Deal 3 (4) damage for each Fuel you have.
PokeUncommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Draw cards until you draw a 0 cost card, discard the others.
Power ArmorUncommonPower1At the end of your turn, if you have at least 3 Fuel, gain 4 (6) Block.
ProbeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Look at the top 2 (3) cards of your draw pile. You may discard and upgrade any of them.
Recycling StationUncommonPower1(Shuffle !M! random Trinkets into your draw pile.)Whenever you draw a Trinket, draw a card.
RedesignUncommonSkill1Upgrade all cards in your hand and discard them. Draw 4 (5) cards.
RetargetUncommonSkill1Lose 2 (1) Strength. Gain 2 Thorns for each Attack card in your hand.
Self DestructUncommonAttack1Deal 6 damage to yourself, deal 20 (25) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Soften UpUncommonAttack1Spend 1 Fuel. Deal 4 (7) damage. Your next attack this turn deals double damage.
Time Dilation FieldUncommonSkill1 (0)Apply Slow to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
TuneUncommonSkill0Choose: Gain 2 Strength and lose 2 Dexterity; or gain 2 Dexterity and lose 2 Strength. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
VirusUncommonAttack0Deal damage equal to the number of Virus cards in your deck. Add a copy (!M! copies) of this to your discard pile.
WeaponizeUncommonSkill1Turn a (ALL) Skill card(s) in your hand into an (not an)Attack(s) that deals (deal) 9 (11) damage in addition to its (their) other effects.
Artillery ShotRareAttack2Spend 2 Fuel. Deal 36 (46) damage.
AssembleRareSkillXAssemble a Trinket out of 4 (5) parts. Shuffle X copies of it into your draw pile. Exhaust.
AutomateRareSkill1 (0)This turn, whenever you play a card, spend 1 Fuel to play it twice.
BoosterRareSkill0Gain 2 (3) Fuel. Draw 2 cards. Exhaust.
Clockwork AssistantRarePower3 (2)At the start of your turn, draw a card and play it.
Clone VatsRarePower3 (2)At the start of your turn, you may copy a card in your hand.
Condense VaporsRareSkill1 (0)Spend 1 Fuel. Obtain 20 Gold. Exhaust.
Fume HoodRarePower2 (1)Whenever you Exhaust a card, gain 1 Fuel.
Gather PartsRareSkill1Draw all Trinkets from your draw pile. Shuffle up to 3 Trinkets into your draw pile. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
GeneratorRarePower0(Innate.)At the start of your turn, spend 1 Fuel to gain [E].
Glass CannonRareAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage 1 times. When drawn increase this card's number of attacks. Exhaust.
Golden GunRareAttack3Spend 20 gold. Deal 40 (50) damage to ALL enemies.
JetpackRarePower2 (1)Spent 1 Fuel at the start of each turn. Reduce incoming damage by 50%.
Lab AccidentRareSkill2Exhaust all cards in your hand. Add 5 random (upgraded) cards to your hand. They cost 0 this turn. Exhaust.
LiquifyRareSkill0Choose and Exhaust up to 3 (5) cards in your hand, gain 1 Fuel for each card exhausted. Exhaust.
Mechanical SneckoRarePower3 (2)Whenever you play 2 cards in a turn, draw a card and randomize the cost of cards in your hand for this turn.
MechanizeRareSkill3 (2)Gain 3 Fuel. Cards in your hand cost Fuel instead of energy this turn until played.
PostponeRareSkill1Place this and any cards from your hand on top of your draw pile. When drawn, draw 1 (2) card(s).
ReconstituteRareSkill0At the end of your turn gain (Gain) 1 Fuel for each Fuel spent this turn.
RefineRareSkill1Double (Triple) your Fuel. Exhaust.
TinkerRareSkill0Draw a card and upgrade it.(It costs 1 less this turn.)

Mad Scientist relics

Fuel TankStarterMad_scienceAt the start of each combat, gain 2Fuel.Taken from an old motorcycle, it now stores fuel for all kinds of nifty tools.
Doomsday DeviceCommonMad_scienceAt the start of combat, shuffle up to 3Trinkets into your draw pile.Failed to blow up the spire, but can be recycled for spare parts.
Exhaust VentCommonMad_scienceWhenever you spend Fuel, apply 2Poison to ALL enemies.Point the opening in the direction of your enemies.
Polishing WheelUncommonMad_scienceYour Trinkets are upgraded.Polishes even your throw-away creations to a mirror shine.
Signal FlagUncommonMad_scienceWhenever you play 3 attacks in a turn, gain 1 Fuel.
FunnelRareMad_scienceWhenever you gain Fuel, gain 1 additional Fuel.Refuel your tools without spilling a single drop.
Portable PumpjackBossMad_scienceAt the start of your turn, gain 1Fuel.Stolen from an oil field.

Mad Scientist potions

Fuel PotionCommonGain 2Fuel.
Trinket PotionUncommonAdd 3 random Trinkets to your hand.

Mad Scientist keywords

UNUSED_RESERVEFor each card played this turn, enemy takes 10% more damage from Attacks.
bombBombs detonate after a certain number of turns, dealing damage.
detonateDetonate a bomb deals its damage and removes it.
fuelFuel is used to power your cards.
trinketTrinkets are 0 cost cards that Exhaust.

Mad Scientist creatures

The Mad ScientistPlayer68-75